In recent years, the term rafidah (rejecters) has been increasingly used to refer to the Shia on account of their refusal to recognize the first three caliphs as legitimate. This term “rafidah” dates back to the Umayyah time and was used as a derogatory term to insult the Shia.[19]
Imam al-Shafi’i composed a famous line of poetry regarding this subject in which he said, “If rafidah be the love of the family of Muhammad, then let the jinn (spirits) and mankind bear witness that I am a rafidah.”[20]
[19] Al-Zubaydi, Taj al-Arus, 5:35; Al-Jawhari, 3:1078
[20] In kana rafdhan hubbu aale Muhammadin. Fal yashhad al-thaqalan anni rafidahi.