Aam: general
Abdullah: slave or servant of Allah
Abi (abi): father of…
Adalah: justice or integrity
Adhan: Muslim call to prayer
Ajr: reward
Ambiya: prophets
Ameen: trustworthy
Amir: commander
Ara(a): opinion(s)
Asabiyah: bigotry
Athar: text
Awla: has more authority
Ayah: Qur’anic verse
Baatil: falsehood
Bayah: allegiance
Bayt al-mal: public treasury
Bidah: religious innovation
Bint: daughter of…
Diyyah: blood money
Durrah: stick
Deen: faith
Dinars: golden coin currency
Dirhams: silver coin currency
Dunyah: life
Faasiq: disbeliever
Fusuq: impiety
Fay: income for all of the Muslim community
Fuqaha: jurists
Ghazw: military dispatch
Ghina: singing
Hadi: guide
Hadith: practice and saying of the Holy Prophet
Hijab: covering for a Muslim woman

Hijrah: migration (there are two known Muslim hijrah: lesser hijrah; was when a small group (70 Muslims) escaped from Mecca to Ethiopia, and the most famous was, the migration from Mecca to Madinah by the Prophet and his followers)
Hijrah: Islamic lunar calendar – and also defined as: the start of the Islamic year
Huffaz: narrators
Hujjaj: pilgrims
Ibn (b.): son of …
Ifta: giving religious edict
Ihdath: a new innovation
Ijtihad: deducing Muslim law
Imamah: leadership
Intahayna: stopped
Iqamah: refers to the second call for the prayer that follows the first call (adhan). It means that the prayer is ready to start
Isnad: chain of narrators
Itrati: my family
Jahiliyyah: ignorance (pre-Islamic era)
Janabah: ritual impurity
Jinn: spirits
Khass: specific
Khalifah: leader
Khazima: single evidence
Khilafat: leadership
Kisa: cloak
Kufr: apostasy
(al-)Madhab: school of Islamic thought
Mahdi: guided one
Masjid: mosque
Mawla: guardian, leader, or master
Minbar: pulpit
Muadhdhin: the person calling out the call to prayer (also called: muezzin)
Mubayan: clearly recognized
Mubahilah: invocation
Muhaddithun: narrators
Muhaddith: narrator of hadith
Muhkam: fundamental or basic

Munsukh: abrogated
Mujmal: unexplained
Mushnat: Jewish scripts
Mushrikeen (plural) (mushrik: singular): a person who associate someone or something with God)
Mutashabih: vague
Nabeeth: a form of wine
Nasikh: abrogating
Qadha: judiciary leadership
(al-)Qada: judiciary system
Qasr: shortened version
Qayyid(u): document
Qayyim: self-subsisting
Qiyas: analogy
Rafidah: rejecters
Ra´i: opinion
Raja: return
Rakat(s): unit(s) of prayer
Riyasah: leadership
Rukhsah: leniency
Sadaq: truthful
Sahaabah: companions
Shadaid: harshness
Shaheed: witness
Sharia: law
Shaytan: Satan
Shawath: eccentricity
Siddiq: truthful person
Surah: chapter of the Qur’an
Shura: consultation
Tabieen: second generation after the sahabahs
Tafseer: the interpretation or explanation of the verses of the Holy Qur’an or hadith
Taharah: ritual Purity
Takbeer: uttering “Allahu akbar”
Tayammum: ritual purification by means of dust
Ummah: Muslim nation
Usuliyun: jurists of Islamic law
Uktub(u): write

Wilayah: Authority
Wudhu: ablution for prayer
Yahjor: hallucination

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