- The Abandoned Quran
- The Quran and Memorisation
- Do they Reflect upon the Quran?
- The Quran in a Register Well Protected (Maknoon)
- The First Revelation (Iqra)
- Gradual v Direct Revelation (Inzal Tanzil)
- Who Wrote The Quran And How?
- Is Bismillah a Verse of the Quran or a Divide?
- The Unconnected Letters (Al Huruf Al Muqatta’at)
- Quranic Gems (Asiya bint Muzahim)
- The Miraculous Quran (Arabic Literary Text)
- I’Jaz al Quran (Scientific Miracles)
- Abrogation and the Quran (Naskh)
- Mecca or Medina Revelations
- The Decisive and Ambiguous Verses
- The Reasons For Revelations
- The Distortion Of The Qur’an
- The Qur’an Of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S)
- The Compilation Of The Holy Qur’an
- The Science Of Tafsir Al – Quran