The Shias View of the Wives of the Prophet (S.A.W.W)

The Wives of the Prophet

Similarly, the wives of the Prophet are included in what was said about the companions of the Prophet, since blood relation or the bond of marriage alone does not ensure a safe passage to Paradise. Allah teachesus in the Noble Qur’an that only good deeds entitle the believers to success and to enter Paradise. Being a wife or a son or a daughter of the Prophet would not automatically grant success on the Day of Judgment, although it may grant them the fellowship of the Prophet and knowledge of his traditions.

Almighty Allah puts forth in the Noble Qur’an a parable about the wives of two prominent messengers of Allah, Nuh and Lut,

“Allah sets forth an example for those who disbelieve: the wife of Nuh and the wife of Lut. They were under two of our righteous slaves but they both betrayed (their husbands, by rejecting their doctrine), so they benefited them not against Allah, and it was said to them, ‘Enter the Fire with those who enter it.’”[1]

Muslim historians narrate that some of the wives of the Prophet were not always on good terms with him. Imam al-Bukhari narrates from one of the wives of the Prophet, Lady ‘A’ishah:

The Apostle of Allah used to spend time with Zaynab bint Jahsh (one of his wives) and drink honey at her house. She (Lady ‘A’ishah) further said, I and Hafsa (another wife) agreed that the one whom the Apostle of Allah visited first should say, I notice that you have an odor of “maghafir” (the gum of mimosa).

He visited one of them and she told him this, whereupon he said, I have taken honey at the house of Zaynab bint Jahsh, and I will never do it again. After this, the following verse was revealed, referring to his abstention from honey, O Prophet! Why do you ban for yourself that which Allah has made lawful to you, seeking to please your wives (Lady ‘A’ishah and Hafsa)? And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.[2]

The Noble Qur’an also addresses Lady ‘A’ishah and Hafsa exclusively,

“If you two (wives of the Prophet) turn in repentance to Allah—but your hearts are so inclined (to oppose what the Prophet likes). But if you help one another against him, then verily Allah is his Protector—and Jibril, and the righteous among the believers, and the angels are also his helpers. It may be that if he divorced you, his Lord would give him, instead of you – wives better than you—Muslims submitting to Allah, believers, women obedient to Allah, who turn to Allah in repentance, worship Allah sincerely, given to fasting, or emigrants (for the cause of Allah)—previously married and virgins.”[3]

These verses of the Noble Qur’an prove that not all the wives of the Prophet were the best of his companions.

For political, social, and economic reasons, as well as to spread the word of Allah, the Prophet had several wives and was patient with their mischief and rebellion (see Noble Qur’an, 66:4-5).

[1] Noble Quran, 66:10
[2] Noble Quran, 66:1; See Sahih al-Bukhari, “Book on the Interpretation of the Quran”, Hadith 4531; Sahih Muslim, “Book on Divorce”, Hadith 2694; al-Tirmidhi, “Book on Foods”, Hadith 1574; al-Nisa’i, “Book on Divorce”, Hadith 3367, “Oaths”, “Vows”, and “Crop Sharing”, Hadith 3735, “Intimacy for Women”, Hadith 3896; Abu Dawud, “Book on Drinks”, Hadith 3227; Ibn Majah, “Book on Foods”, Hadith 3314; Musnad, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Vol. 6, 221; al-Darami, “Book on Foods” Hadith 18986
[3] Noble Quran, 66:4-5

Inquiries about Shia Islam by Sayed Moustafa al-Qazwini

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